Over the past several weeks I’ve had a few people ask me why I spend some of my time promoting other people’s businesses. One inquiring person even asked why my team and I “waste” our time doing this.

If you know anything about my team and I, you know that we spend time every month filming what we call a “Monthly Market Update” and sharing it across our social media channels. During these updates, we spend the majority of our time at a local business we know, love, and trust (usually a restaurant or other fun place people like to go). The filming can last a few hours and we pull about 3-5 minutes of footage to feature about the business. In this feature we give a quick synopsis of what’s going on in our local real estate market, and by quick, I mean less than 20 seconds. We edit the video so that over 95% of the content is about the local business we visited, mostly in the form of interviewing the business owner to learn about their background and what makes their business so special.

On the surface some people would say, “Why do you waste your time and money to film something that isn’t focused on your own business?” When people ask this they’re missing the point. That’s EXACTLY why we film these, because it IS NOT about our business. It’s about someone else’s business in the community that we love. There are so many amazing small businesses in the Collin and Denton county areas that are too good NOT to share with everyone we can. They’re the heart and fabric of our community, and they make it the remarkable place it is.

People choose to live where they live most often because they love the community around them. If my team and I can help share the stories of our community, we can help the people of the community explore more unique places that they may not have otherwise known about.

Yes, it takes time away from my business, but it’s totally worth it to share more about the community that my team and I love so dearly.

~Leslie Remy, Broker
Astra Realty
(214) 744-3990